Veteran-Powered Regeneration Network and Permaculture Community
Guardian Grange is a humanitarian and environmental regeneration project, founded by a former Navy SEAL to protect natural resources, strengthen communities, and facilitate veteran reintegration with a renewed sense of purpose.
We create healing spaces to seed regenerative permaculture communities, and grow a soil-based economy that will foster good stewardship while promoting beautifully balanced ways of living for our families, children, and future generations who will walk in the footprints we leave behind...

Why You Should Join Us
Let's work together to ensure that our footprints leave a massively awesome impact behind for the benefit of future humans and this beautiful natural blessing we call earth, and let's have a good time while we do the work!
Manifesting an optimized ecology for human 'livingry' within a conscious, soil-based economy begins with us.
This is our digital community portal designed to support and facilitate real world relationships and natural human connection.
The Guardian Grange Online Community Portal is where we collaborate, network, plan events, integrate experiences and communicate with our people. The intention is to foster good online relationships among our supporters, donors and sponsors that translate to real world community building.
Please join us if you are like-hearted and resonate with our message.
We believe that our true divine human nature is to be awesome to each other, and do good works with the time we are blessed with on this earth!
Our Community Rule is to show up, be humble, respect yourself and others, carry yourself with honor and integrity, and remember to express gratitude often -- because gratitude is contagious and helps heal trauma.
A Big Thanks!
To our supporters, volunteers, donors, and participants for making this vision possible through shared learning and experiences that continue to grow a brighter future for our families, community and humanity...
Thank you!

How To Join Our Community Portal
This community is free to access for all,but please consider contributing with a donation if you are able to support our growth by choosing one of the tax-deductible paid membership options below
Introduce yourself by posting in our community portal, and get to know us! Also, don't forget to add a photo and information to your profile
- That's it! Pretty simple, right?
The Online Community Portal is in BETA release, so we are still building out content and learning as we grow. Please help us by engaging with us online, and making suggestions to help us improve the value we provide to the community.
Some of Our Plans for this Community Include:
- Online workshops to increase the mental health, physical wellness, emotional intelligence & spiritual growth of our community
- Premium courses to engage the public and help fund our programs while increasing the skills and resources of our members... and don't worry if you're tight on funds because we will provide scholarships to veterans and volunteers to keep everything accessible!
- Virtual fireside chats to support our community with integration — this is especially useful for people who want to stay connected while remote
- Live events & meetups — that's where the magic happens after all!
- Identifying volunteer and work opportunities that support our community and mission
- and much more to come as we grow!
If You Have the Means, Membership Donations Support the Following
- Helps our regenerative community thrive and flourish
- Supports the Guardian Grange vision, programs, events, media, community building, environmental restoration & regeneration
- Waters the soil-based economy so we can grow a brighter future together
Paid Membership Also Assist Us With

Guardian Grange is committed to improving the lives of veterans and local communities by bringing people together around a like-hearted vision to regenerate and improve our environment, each other and society with passion and purpose for a brighter future!

Please choose a membership option below and remember:
Access to the Guardian Grange Online Community Portal is free
If you can donate via a paid membership plan, it will help us maintain the community while supporting the Guardian Grange vision, programs, events, media, community building, environmental restoration & regeneration
- If you would like to make additional donations, please visit our website support page here or reach out to us in the community portal.
Guardian Grange is a 501(c)(3) non-profit on a mission to protect natural resources, strengthen communities and uplift veterans by inspiring human connection and regeneration to create the infrastructure for a soil-based economy that grows synergistically in balance with nature and compassion for humanity. Your donation supports our efforts through stewardship programs, workshops, media communications, community building, restoration and regeneration. Contributions are tax deductible.